Whether you are contemplating or even in the process of divorce, married and living together as roommates, or happen to truly love each other deeply and need communication skills to remove the distance and disrespect between you, we have been where you are and understand how to guide you to the marriage you always dreamed about. 

Our transformational coaching curriculum is designed to produce maximum results in minimal time. We support you in developing and refining the skills you need to succeed. We’ll help you confront challenges head-on and develop a plan of action to overcome what has hindered you in the past. 

You already know what happens if you continue doing the same thing expecting different results. It’s time to move from pain, frustration, and just plain sick and tired of being sick and tired to a place of having what is possible. 

Having helped thousands of couples create the marriage they have always imagened; we are sure that we can do the same for your special relationship needs. 


All you have to do is say, YES and reach out to us to support you in getting there.


“Your programs mean more to us than all our medical degrees.”

"We both agree attending your program together means more to us than all our medical degrees and all our achievements combined.“
Doctors Liz and Tom Panke M.D.



Whether you are contemplating or even in the process of divorce, married and living together as roommates, or happen to truly love each other deeply and need communication skills to remove the distance and disrespect between you, we have been where you are and understand how to guide you to the marriage you always dreamed about. 

Our transformational coaching curriculum is designed to produce maximum results in minimal time. We support you in developing and refining the skills you need to succeed. We’ll help you confront challenges head-on and develop a plan of action to overcome what has hindered you in the past.

You already know what happens if you continue doing the same thing expecting different results.  It's time to move from pain, frustration, and just plain sick and tired of being sick and tired to a place of having what is possible. 

Having helped thousands of couples create the marriage they want; we are sure that we can do the same for your special relationship needs. 

All you have to do is say YES and reach out to us to support you getting there.  

"We both agree attending your program together means more to us than all our medical degrees and all our achievements combined.“
Doctors Liz and Tom Panke M.D.


Our Coaching Clients Receive:

  • We give you the experience as well as the skills and tools to use for a lifetime.  We reveal custom stepping- stones to help you find answers and resolve conflict in healthy ways. 
  • We help heal deep hurts and remove the pain that keeps you in constant conflict and revolving trauma from past issues.  We take you out of a dysfunctional relationship into a functional one. 
  • We show you how to address issues before they become deep pain and turn them into appreciation for who you are.  When you are appreciated, respected and loved, you enjoy each other the way marriage was meant to be. 
  • We give you the skills and tools to communicate with ease with each other, showing you how to resolve the bumps in the road that will come up invariably along the way, so you create an even deeper love and relational bond as time goes on. 

“We could have never done this without you.  Thank you for giving us what we never thought possible!"
Dave and Mary



Couple Getaway


Want to speed up your progress?   Bill and Linda offer a get away package just for you as a couple. 

Imagine going to a favorite place you have always wanted to visit to enjoy enhancing your marriage and having fun.  They will meet you wherever you would enjoy. This includes several sessions each day, along with relaxing time to rejuvenate.

This very personalized, confidential experience will allow you to immediately jump start your growth.  Your investment would include two to three days just with you as a couple, airfare, hotel, meals, and materials.

Marriage Intensive

Unlock a deeper connection and transform your marriage into the partnership of your dreams with our marriage intensive, an investment in a lifetime of love, better communication, and understanding.

Fast track your progress, accomplish is several days what would take years to do.

Schedule a confidential call to discuss your individual needs and if this is the right fit for you.

 “Our marriage is so much better.”

“Our marriage is so much better because of the time we spent with you in the mountains. The peaceful setting and the relaxed atmosphere set the stage for close communication and so needed personal time we don't take for ourselves when we are home. We are grateful to you Bill and Linda.”
Dale and Peg Wilhelm



Marriage & Family

What if you could heal your family's wounds and unite them together?  

From the deep hurts and disappointments?

We have a proven track record of restoring the love you have always wanted for your marriage, children, and grandchildren.
Love is always more powerful than any hurts.
Bringing your family together is what we love to do.
You may be thinking, ya, you don't know my family.  There is only one way for us to prove it to you.

“Your program saved my son and family.”

"Your program and principles saved my son and our family. Everyone else gave up. No Doctor has been able to do what you have done, and we have been to the best. You showed us a way out. Now we know who to recommend our friends too. Thanks for not giving up.”

Kathy Allen

Let's get on a call together and discuss your situation.


Lance and Annabelle Wallnau

“Spend time with the McGrane’s and every area of your life and marriage will be so much better!”

"We consider Bill and Linda McGrane our mentors to a deeper and more fulfilling life, marriage, family, and helping us impart God's message to the world. Spend time with them to acquire the leadership skills, and tools to reenergize yourself and your ministry."

Pastor Cleddie Keith

“Take your marriage to a whole better level”

"Those who are trained well, achieve maximum results with minimum effort. You can take yourself, your marriage and your ministry to your next level by working with Bill and Linda McGrane."

Belinda and Fritz Richard

“Best training, time and money we have spent!”

"I came for business reasons and walked away with so much more. I have my confidence back and it got me past the hurdles blocking my success and my marriage. I was very skeptical but ran out of options. The coaching changed my life and it's the cheapest and fastest way to move ahead in your life. It helped me spiritually with my business confidence, and I am much closer to my wife and family. Move on faith and just do it!"

Mark Victor Hansen

Author, Chicken Soup For The Soul and The One Minute Millionaire

“Bill and Linda are Masters to help you in the briefest time possible.”

"Bill and Linda McGrane have the greatest skills to get to the core of an issue that I have ever seen in the world. Bill and Linda are masters! They are a safe, brilliant, source that can serve anyone to identify their problems and then permanently resolve them in the briefest possible time."

Cathy and Carlos Jarrett

“We went from skeptical to believers.”

"Our marriage after 25 years was dead and we both were headed in the wrong direction. A divorce attorney had been contracted and it looked like the end of our marriage. We no longer knew how to communicate with each other or what to do to get back on track. The things we both tried were making things worse instead of better. On a scale of zero to 10, we went from a zero to a seven out of 10 in just two days. It is amazing when we get the tools and skills how much progress we made with your help.

If we can do it anyone who wants to have a great marriage can do it as well. Now our children and family are happier than ever. Give Bill and Linda McGrane a chance to give you the best years of your life ahead."

Teri Werner

“You got to my core and unlocked and healed me.”

"Thank you for giving me the chance of my life to have the change of my life. As I call it you gave me my BIG HEAL I was desperate for change. 

You have an anointing and an appointing by God to help people heal that anyone who wants a “breakthrough” will receive.

You got to my core and unlocked and healed me. More importantly, I am restored with new energy and focus."

Download your FREE GIFT NOW!

by Bill & Linda McGrane

This eBook is one of Bill & Linda McGrane's most popular publications available as a free download. Inside of this ebook, you will learn:

  • How To Release Tit for Tat on... page 9
  • How Your Background Affects You and Your Relationship Today... on page 12
  • How To Listen So Your Partner Feels Cherished and Respected... on page 14
  • How To Handle Anger... on page 17
  • How To Seek First to Understand... on page 19