Success Stories


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“We consider Bill and Linda McGrane our mentors."

"We consider Bill and Linda McGrane our mentors to a deeper and more fulfilling life, marriage, family, and helping us impart God's message to the world. Spend time with them to acquire the leadership skills, and tools to reenergize yourself and your ministry.”

Lance and Annabelle Wallnau

"The person who referred me to the McGrane's indicated that it would be the single most life changing event that I could participate in and that was 100 percent correct."

I learned so much in the
seminar particularly with regard to my personal history despite 23 years in private practice as a
psychologist/Neuropsychologist who thought that I knew myself quite well.

No stranger to insightful conversations with myself! truly felt that I had unearthed all of the
issues in my personal history and had figured out the major traumas in my life. Naturally, I had
participated in several years of therapy work during the time that I was entering into private practice as
is the custom (it is suggested that anyone who plans on providing therapy to others needs to first settle
their own personal issues). Hence, I never dreamed that the business difficulties I was encountering in
my new role as director of a psychology/neuropsychology clinic were related to unresolved issues in my
personal history.

While I came to the seminar looking for business techniques and how to more effectively
network with others, I received those techniques and far more than I expected in terms of understanding
myself and my impact upon others. TUA is undoubtedly the best gift you can give to yourself as well
as others.

To say that I am grateful to Bill for what I learned is an understatement. I look forward to
wonderful changes in my life and a new direction because of the McGrane seminar and applaud the
skill that is so much part of Bill's essence which allowed him to break through a fortress where no one
had succeeded prior to that time despite my participation in worlds of therapy.

I truly believe that Bill McGrane was placed on this earth to provide divine guidance and I thank
God that I had the good fortune to meet him and participate in this seminar. I would strongly suggest
this seminar to anyone. I rejoice in the fact that my son will be attending the McGrane seminar in the
same program that I just completed and I do not know who is more excited my son (who has noticed the
changes in me) or myself about this.

Thank you Bill from the bottom of my heart for being here on earth and doing what you do, and
even more importantly teaching all of us how to be in the moment, provide love and acceptance and
practice, "being and doing" every minute of the day, every day of the week.

Barbara C. Fisher, Ph.D.

United Psychological Services, Inc.


“You gave me what I have been looking for all my life.”

“Everyone gave up on me and you didn't. For 48 years I lived in pain and fear. I used it to achieve and still felt unsuccessful. Through your teachings, I can achieve and feel the love and freedom I have always known could be possible. Your unconditional patient caring is so much appreciated. I now know you gave me what I have been looking for all my life.”
Sandy Rankin

“I found out the person I was missing was actually me.”

“Finding out that the person I miss the most is actually little Chrissy whom I abandoned over 40 years and trying to stuff way down out of the way of my "adult self". Yes, there I sit facing a truth I had tucked away for way too long. I was my own worst enemy. Trust the process, experience the experience of the experience. What have you got to lose?”

Chris Shaw

“Brought healing and restoration within my soul”

“I had no idea what to expect when I came to the program, but I was looking for two things: Peace and Wholeness. I walked away with both of those and so much more.

Your incredible insightfulness touched the very thing I had been trying to find that brought the healing and restoration within my soul. This quieting of the soul has now allowed me to be present to the moment in a way that I had not imagined.

With the healing and tools that I experienced, I feel that I will be able to handle the things that life throws at me with greater ease and discernment.”
Tina Downs

“The Truths learned are simple; the experience has been profound!”

“Facts are just morsels of information unless the light goes on inside us when we realize that these facts can bring about positive change. It goes like this: Information plus illumination equals revelation that, with proper application, brings transformation. I heard information that brought to light solutions to areas needing change. When the concepts learned were applied, the real me, the person I was created to be, began to come forth. The truths learned are simple; the experience has been profound!”

Joan Greiner

“After attending the McGrane program I have a sense of peace that lingers for a lifetime.”
Sandy Davis

“These ideas are making such a difference and when you get a hold of them, watch what happens in your life!”

Steven Thomas

“I have been alcohol and drug-free for 2 years and 4 months.”

“Four years ago I was a self-centered, negative, drug and alcohol addicted, codependent 21-year-old child, in a loveless and abusive relationship, who thought that it was her fault even when it rained. I have now blossomed into a 25-year-old independent woman who is living on her own.

 I have been alcohol and drug-free for 2 years and 4 months. I am currently licensed as a practical nurse (LPN) and will be continuing school in August to receive my RN license in another year and starting a new job at the hospital, and most of all I have been enjoying myself through this whole process.”

Teresa Goffnett

“The McGrane program has transformed my life”

“In one word - TRANSFORMING!! The McGrane program has transformed my life as a father (formerly an "absent dad") and more recently as a husband. Every penny I invested in McGrane has paid dividends and impacted all areas of my life. Spirit, body, social, mental, family, friends, and career. I recommend McGrane Global Centers to everyone! I finally feel alive!”

Mike Shober

 "I'll never forget how my life changed for the better after meeting both of you!"   

    Joyce Aquilone

“Attending your program was an investment in my life journey. I learned how to improve my talents and get more passionate about my life.”

Steven MacConnell

“Life changing experience.”

“This is such a life-changing experience. You showed me how to remove the tools that don't work in my life and replace them with new tools that do. I am better able to deal with myself and other people. The value of working with the McGrane’s is phenomenal.!”

Keith Pietsch

“By far the best money I have ever spent”

“Besides being born, the most awesome thing that has ever happened to me or that I have experienced was attending online training.

It surpassed my highest expectations. I had never spent too much money on myself.  At age 57, I decided to make an investment in me. It is by far the best money I have ever spent. The experience does not have a price tag. The benefits are priceless (having benefits beyond dollars).

The training has been life-changing for me. If you. ever have the opportunity to attend (do not) I repeat (do not) pass it up. You will be changed for life; you will have tools to work with no matter when you begin the process. The people who attended with me were witnesses to absolute miracles. I'm not kidding you. It was fantastic.”

Shirley Grace McGroarty

“We owe our future as brighter people to Bill and Linda McGrane”

“We owe our future as brighter people to Bill and Linda McGrane. That is what comes out of your programs when people attend the McGrane online programs. You show people how to stand up tall and high when it comes time to ask for the order. People that work with Bill and Linda McGrane are able to do their jobs better and value their work.  The cost of not attending is far greater than taking action now!”


Chistopher Hegarty

“You brought our marriage back to life.”

“Our marriage after 25 years was dead and we both were headed in the wrong direction. A divorce attorney had been contracted and it looked like the end of our marriage.  We no longer knew how to communicate with each other or what to do to get back on track. The things we both tried were making things worse instead of better. On a scale of zero to 10, we went from a zero to a seven out of 10 in just two days. It is amazing when we get the tools and skills how much progress we made with your help. If we can do it anyone who wants to have a great marriage can do it as well. Now our children and family are happier than ever. Give Bill and Linda McGrane a chance to give you the best years of your life ahead.”

Cathy and Carlos Jarrett

 “We will never be the same”

“We are so thankful we invested in ourselves by working with you and did couple coaching with you and Linda. A nuclear bomb of LOVE exploded in our marriage, and we will never be the same.”


Cassandra and Brent Dearing

“I am so much closer to my wife and family”

“I came for business reasons and walked away with so much more. I have my confidence back and it got me past the hurdles blocking my success and my marriage.  I was very skeptical but ran out of options. The coaching changed my life and it's the cheapest and fastest way to move ahead in your life.

It helped me spiritually with my business confidence, and I am much closer to my wife and family. Move on faith and just do it!”

Belinda and Fritz Richard

“Our marriage is so much better.”

“Our marriage is so much better because of the time we spent with you in the mountains. The peaceful setting and the relaxed atmosphere set the stage for close communication and so needed personal time we don't take for ourselves when we are home. We are grateful to you Bill and Linda.”

Peg and Dale Wilhelm

“To attempt to write all the positive changes we experienced would take a book.”

“To attempt to write all the positive changes we experienced would take a book.  Unaware, we were captured in boxes. During the program, we became aware of our imprisonment; broke partially loose, and gained more freedom since.”

Simeon and Barbie Stoltzfus


“Your love, guidance, and support have been an incredible source of inspiration for us, and we are endlessly grateful for your unwavering commitment to our well-being and success. Your generosity and kindness have touched our hearts in countless ways, and We feel incredibly blessed to have you both in our lives. 

The lessons you have taught us have been invaluable, and We cherish every moment We get to learn from you both. Your selflessness and dedication have profoundly impacted our lives, and We feel truly blessed to have you as mentors and dear friends. 

Thank you for being the amazing people you are and always being there for us when We need you the most. Your unwavering support has given us the strength and confidence to overcome obstacles and chase our dreams. We are forever grateful for the role that you have played in shaping us into the people that we are today."

Larry & Billie DeVooght

“This is a culmination of years of couples counseling.”

“This is the culmination of years of individual and couples counseling and things I have heard, read and my wife (Hollie) and I have discussed. This is more streamlined and better concepts.  Thank you both very much. My biggest take away is give yourself grace and others grace.Matthew Malinski

“We want to grow closer, communicate better and this program has helped us do this in amazing ways!”


Elizabeth Oglesby

“Your programs mean more to us than all our medical degrees.”

“Our son was on drugs and alcohol and slowly killing himself and our family. We took him for twenty years to the finest Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and counselors money could buy and they gave up on him. You were our last chance. You have done what no one else could do, brought our son back. The medical profession needs to send you all their so-called failures.

We lost our son and now we have him back thanks to you. 

We both agree attending your program together means more to us than our medical degrees and all of our achievements combined.”

Doctors Liz and Tom Panke, MD

“Thank you for your patient persistence with us,  holding our hand through lots of pain.  You saw what we could not and gave us our life back we could not be more grateful!”


Mark and Sherri Holland


“Your program and principles saved my son and our family. Everyone else gave up. No Doctor has been able to do what you have done, and we have been to the best. You showed us a way out. Now we know who to recommend to our friends too. Thanks for not giving up.”

Kathy Allen

“I have my son back.”

“My growth had stalled after being in business for 10 years. The people I was hiring weren't working out and my son tells me he is on drugs and wants to kill himself. All my degrees and advanced knowledge wasn't helping me solve these problems. Another graduate of yours told mehow much you helped them. I had everything to gain and nothing to loose so I sent you my son.

 Now I have my son back. He loved it so much he asked our entire family to attend. My husband and I came together and our daughter Julie is coming next month. We are building a brighter future thanks to you.”

Joel Johnson

“There is no price tag on your coaching.”

“There is no price tag I can put on what your consulting means to me and my company. As skeptical as I was you worked your magic in such a way that the complex seemed simple and taking the next steps became effortless. Financially we are outperforming our objectives.”Ray Gage

“Broken and now free.”

“All my success bottomed out and nothing was working anymore. I came to you broken andlooking for a new beginning and yes I found it.”


Tammy Stevens

“Adept at helping the individual believer.”

“After more than 30 years of working in the church, I have never met anyone more adept at helping the individual believer to effectively share what our wonderful Lord has personally done for us as Bill and Linda McGrane. Neither have I felt more capable as a leader who needs to strategize a way to get others to understand and support the purpose of the present direction. In the church, that translates into things like effective evangelism, discipleship, and even conflict management. Pastor David Higgins

“I am now closer to God and my wife.”

“Bill McGrane, who was able to show me where God really was. Bill was able to help me answer the question that was haunting me ever since I had asked my Mother, 40-some years ago, why do I have to go to church.”


Barry Wenger

Lance and Annabelle Wallnau

“Spend time with the McGrane’s and every area of your life and marriage will be so much better!”

"We consider Bill and Linda McGrane our mentors to a deeper and more fulfilling life, marriage, family, and helping us impart God's message to the world. Spend time with them to acquire the leadership skills, and tools to reenergize yourself and your ministry."

Pastor Cleddie Keith

“Take your marriage to a whole better level”

"Those who are trained well, achieve maximum results with minimum effort. You can take yourself, your marriage and your ministry to your next level by working with Bill and Linda McGrane."

Belinda and Fritz Richard

“Best training, time and money we have spent!”

"I came for business reasons and walked away with so much more. I have my confidence back and it got me past the hurdles blocking my success and my marriage. I was very skeptical but ran out of options. The coaching changed my life and it's the cheapest and fastest way to move ahead in your life. It helped me spiritually with my business confidence, and I am much closer to my wife and family. Move on faith and just do it!"

Mark Victor Hansen

Author, Chicken Soup For The Soul and The One Minute Millionaire

“Bill and Linda are Masters to help you in the briefest time possible.”

"Bill and Linda McGrane have the greatest skills to get to the core of an issue that I have ever seen in the world. Bill and Linda are masters! They are a safe, brilliant, source that can serve anyone to identify their problems and then permanently resolve them in the briefest possible time."

Cathy and Carlos Jarrett

“We went from skeptical to believers.”

"Our marriage after 25 years was dead and we both were headed in the wrong direction. A divorce attorney had been contracted and it looked like the end of our marriage. We no longer knew how to communicate with each other or what to do to get back on track. The things we both tried were making things worse instead of better. On a scale of zero to 10, we went from a zero to a seven out of 10 in just two days. It is amazing when we get the tools and skills how much progress we made with your help.

If we can do it anyone who wants to have a great marriage can do it as well. Now our children and family are happier than ever. Give Bill and Linda McGrane a chance to give you the best years of your life ahead."

Teri Werner

“You got to my core and unlocked and healed me.”

"Thank you for giving me the chance of my life to have the change of my life. As I call it you gave me my BIG HEAL I was desperate for change. 

You have an anointing and an appointing by God to help people heal that anyone who wants a “breakthrough” will receive.

You got to my core and unlocked and healed me. More importantly, I am restored with new energy and focus."